Bio N
A microbiological product for the efficient fixation of atmospheric nitrogen
Plant biostimulator – biological product for decomposition of plant residues.
Want to order a product? Call tel. +370 621 60011
Complex of microorganisms and enzymes. The microorganism complex consists of Trametes versicolor, Pleurotus ostreatus, Cellulomonas uda, Cellulomonas gelida, Bacillus subtilis, Aspergillus awamori and Trichoderma reesei (in equal concentrations, total 1 x 10 ^ 9 cfu/g). The carrier is dextrose.
Mix the required amount of Biotero with 200-400 l of water and spray on plant residues. The required amount of Biotero should be dissolved in a separate container with water before filling it into the sprayer. The dissolved Biotero should be added last, after other crop protection products and fertilizers. The product can be mixed with many biological products, fertilizers and pesticides, as well as with liquid urea fertilizer, unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer. Use the prepared solution within 6 hours from mixing.
The product is classified as non-hazardous. Microorganisms can be sensitizing and cause an allergic reaction. Wear personal protective equipment when handling the product. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. For more detailed safety information, see the Product Safety Data Sheet.
0,5-1 kg/ha.
Product is applied after harvesting on straw residues or before sowing, in spring, on unbroken straw. After product application, it is not mandatory to insert the residues into the soil, a non-deep insertion may also be applied.